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Cepra Speech
CEPRA is the Ecuadorian R + D + i projects contest. This program aims to support proposals in different areas of research, development, and innovation (R + D + i), such as Education, Humanities and Arts, Social Sciences, Commercial Education, Engineering, Industry, and Construction, etc. These projects are focused on improving the academic progress of Ecuador, supported by the services and facilities offered by CEDIA. Additionally, they contribute to the scientific and technological community of the country, allowing them to establish links between researchers of CEDIA member institutions. Since the first call in 2009, 89 CEPRA projects have been awarded, with the participation of 29 member institutions of CEDIA. Around 140 articles have been published by the participating researchers.

CEPRA Speech is an activity created in the last edition of TICEC where researchers of CEPRA projects present their results in a short video (5 – 8 minutes). Additionally, scientific posters were presented in the room. Finally, it ended with a discussion between researches and assistants regarding the future of research in our country and aiming to develop future work. This activity was very attractive because it gathered researchers from several study fields to share their experience and results of their work in the CEPRA contest. This event gave them the possibility to get new and interesting contacts in the research field.
For this edition, TICEC presents a new collection of CEPRA SPEECH with the participation of twenty-six CEPRA projects. This event aims to gather researchers of all Ecuador to share their experience with professionals, students, and assistants. Register Now!

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TICEC 2020 is the most important Congress on Information and Communication Technologies in Ecuador, which every year brings together more than 700 researchers, technicians, teachers, students and professionals in the areas of Science and Technology.
© TICEC. Powered by CEDIA.